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Enough Time and Timing Adjustable

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2.2   Enough Time

People must be able to complete required tasks at their own individual pace. Either there are no time constraints or people are given enough additional time to complete their tasks. Alternatives or exceptions are provided for cases where this is not possible.

2.2.1  Timing Adjustable (A)

If a time limit is set on any activity, it must be possible for users to disable or extend the time limit to give people enough time to read content or do things online where there is a time limit. Example: an online form that needs to be completed within a certain timeframe.


There are a number of exceptions to this requirement. For examples, see Understanding SC 2.2.1.

  • A real-time event, e.g. a newsfeed that scrolls through headlines; voting that closes at a specific time.
  • A fixed time limit is essential and removing it would change something important.
  • The time limit is longer than 20 hours.

How to test

  1. Open the web page to be tested.
  2. Look for content that is displayed for a limited time, e.g. a newsfeed, a refreshing banner, a slideshow. Check that the time limit can be turned off or adjusted in advance, or extended as needed.
  3. Look for content that expects user input within a certain time frame, e.g. a form. Check that the time limit can be turned off or adjusted in advance, or extended as needed while interacting with the content. If a time limit is not clear, complete part of the expected interaction, but do not finish or submit it. Leave it for some time, e.g. 20–30 minutes. If it times out after a certain period, check that you were given an opportunity to extend the time limit.

Potential access issues

    • The activity (reading or interacting) has a time limit, is not one of the exceptions listed above, and there is no opportunity, prior to engaging in the activity, to turn off or adjust the time limit, or to extend the time limit during the activity.

Page Refresh was posted on 24/01/2023 @ 16:30